Hi, Got a location(lat&lon) from a geocode response. Then tried to reverse geocoding with that location(exact lat & lon), But got some other data with different lat & lon in response. For Eg: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=json&polygon_geojson=1&q=vellore,%20tamilnadu Get lat & lon of 1st data(lat=12.9071753&lon=79.1309695). http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=xml&lat=12.9071753&lon=79.1309695&addressdetails=1 Check reverse geocoding response, expect the same data(which got in geocoding), but getting different data. |
In the particular example |
Maybe the reverse geocoding tries to search for the nearest POI. The geocoding query returns the city node because that's what you've been searching for. The reverse geocoding query instead returns a school node which I consider to be more relevant than a somewhat arbitrarily placed city node. Could be just a coincidence, though.