I've read community guidelines regarding Collective Database and Geocoding but I'm still having problem with figuring out if my usage in Publicly Available app is going to trigger ODbl share-alike terms or not and I'd appreciate any clarifications. I'd like allow users to create and store on my server the list of selected by them OSM POIs and (1) share it with anybody or (2) request route to be routed between those for future use or sharing. Regarding 1: Do I need to provide any means to share such list outside of my app? Like some diff access or API? I'm asking licence-wise only. Regarding 2: Does this trigger share-alike requirements and do I need to share this outside of my app by e.g. some free API or diff access? I do not specify what service will be use for route planning for now if that would be OSM using one or e.g. Google Maps. |