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Older answers do point to non-existing solutions, that is why I put this question again.

asked 28 Dec '17, 08:53

Jaap12soft's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

For nodes it's quite easy - just look at the data of the object and there it is in the header (just before tags), for example:

50,8449819, 4,3499862

For ways and relations it's simply not available, since they are just the lists of nodes, each with its own lat/lon, so you would have to find centroid, but there's no single method to calculate this.

permanent link

answered 28 Dec '17, 09:36

kocio's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

thanks for answer.. Put the mouse cursor on a point on the map, click right, choose Center Map Here. In the URL you should see Alt Long like this:

permanent link

answered 28 Dec '17, 10:50

Jaap12soft's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


One remark, it's not Alt, but Lat, shorthand for Latitude. Alt is Altitude (ie. height above sea level).

(28 Dec '17, 17:47) RicoElectrico

Note South and West are negative values for example i sometimes put lat lon values into my car Sat Nav which easier if i have searched for a location on OSM and i do not have full address information

(28 Dec '17, 21:59) andy mackey

You may be able to configure your Sat Nav to decimal degrees which is much easier than having to convert OSMs degrees decimal to degrees minutes and seconds.

(28 Dec '17, 22:07) andy mackey

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question asked: 28 Dec '17, 08:53

question was seen: 3,444 times

last updated: 28 Dec '17, 22:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum