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"Error when uploading data" On top of that a dialog-box saying...Title: "Error", Text "Couldn´t upload data", Button "null" IE 8, Firefox 4, Firefox 5, Flashplayer: "Shockwave Flash"

asked 01 Jul '11, 13:46

lensitivity's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Jul '11, 15:26

Difficult to know - that's not a very specific error. Does it happen every time you upload? If not, what circumstances trigger it?

If you click the 'Show data' button in the upload progress dialogue, you'll see the raw data that Potlatch 2 is sending to the server. You can paste this somewhere for us to have a look and see if there's a problem with it. Alternatively, you can save it as a text document and use a program that allows you to upload such changeset files (such as JOSM).

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answered 01 Jul '11, 14:31

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Yes, unspecific.

There are no circumstances. It happens unconditionally/always, example:

<osmchange version="0.6"> <create version="0.6"> <node id="-2" version="0" lat="58.865113868487775" lon="9.592448338623047" changeset="NaN"> <tag k="tourism" v="viewpoint"/> </node> </create>


XML seems to be OK.

Configuration 1: Computer A and WLAN of hotel, Configuration 2: Computer A and company X LAN, Configuration 3: Computer B and company Y LAN

It had worked before with Configuration 1 and Configuration 3.

Browsing the internet itself is working with all 3 configurations. My Openstreetmap-user account is not barred from uploading. Uploading tracks is working fine. I´m racking my brain...Any idea how to get rid of the error or how to debug ?

(01 Jul '11, 15:27) lensitivity

That's very weird. The issue there is 'changeset="NaN"' - i.e. "not a number". The first thing that Potlatch 2 does on upload is request a changeset number, so that shouldn't happen. Do you get an "Uploading to changeset 1234567" message in the progress box before this happens (with a genuine number instead of 1234567)?

(01 Jul '11, 15:44) Richard ♦

No, I don´t get a changeset number. Seems to be a license issue / paltry database "error" - message.

(01 Jul '11, 16:50) lensitivity

Gnonthgol's answer is almost certainly the right one, then.

(01 Jul '11, 18:10) Richard ♦

You can not upload to OSM without accepting the new contribitor terms. Go to the user settings to accept the new terms and continue editing. If you do not accept the new terms your existing edits will stil be avalable under the old CC-BY-SA license.

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answered 01 Jul '11, 16:24

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 01 Jul '11, 13:46

question was seen: 5,770 times

last updated: 01 Jul '11, 18:10

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