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I was wondering if there are any games based on OSM. They can be any kind of games. For example for Google Earth there are some flying simulators, racers, "find the landmark", "guess where this screenshot is from" and others.

Is there anything like that for OSM?

asked 01 Jul '11, 12:30

ivanatora's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

There is a section about this in the article "Games" on the OpenStreetMap wiki.

(22 Sep '15, 17:14) Kristofer87

@Kristofer87: which is already mentioned by stephan75's answer ;-) Thanks anyway!

(22 Sep '15, 19:44) aseerel4c26 ♦

Random ideas, probably nowhere near complete:

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answered 01 Jul '11, 13:18

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 01 Jul '11, 13:19

You can find some hints about games and simulators using OSM data in the OSM wiki about "Neat Stuff" and "Games"

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answered 01 Jul '11, 16:52

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 01 Jul '11, 16:55

Here is another upcoming one: GPS Puzzle

I use Openstreetmap tile screenshots with Mapquest Open Javascript Api for routes. By the way, if you watch the video, can you comment if there is any potential copyright intrusion? I checked with Mapquest and they are ok as long as I attribute to them. Since this is a game, attribution is in the credits part of both game and website. Thanks.

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answered 07 Jan '14, 04:01

Aykut%20Ucar's gravatar image

Aykut Ucar
accept rate: 0%



I'm currently developing a property trading game combining openstreetmap and blockchain technology. If you want to check it out, feel free to visit

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answered 05 Nov '22, 08:16

EthLedger's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 01 Jul '11, 12:30

question was seen: 11,146 times

last updated: 05 Nov '22, 08:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum