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Hi there,

We are setting up a Nominatim server for the specific purpose of turning coordinates into City/Country data. We have managed to set it up with below parameters, but we are getting "unable to geocode" for a major city Melbourne in Australia, while it works fine for a major city in USA. Works fine for Moscow but not other cities in Russia.

Can anyone point us in the right direction here as we are wanting to filter down to only City/Country data to help reduce the size of things, but we want it to work anywhere.

time osmosis \ --read-pbf-fast workers=${WORKERS} "${TMP_DIR}/source.osm.pbf" \ --buffer bufferCapacity=12000 \ --tf accept-relations boundary=administrative \ --tf accept-relations admin_level=8 \ --write-pbf file="${TMP_DIR}/step1.osm.pbf"

rm "${TMP_DIR}/source.osm.pbf"

time osmosis \ --read-pbf-fast workers=${WORKERS} "${TMP_DIR}/step1.osm.pbf" \ --buffer bufferCapacity=12000 \ --used-way \ --write-pbf file="${TMP_DIR}/step2.osm.pbf"

rm "${TMP_DIR}/step1.osm.pbf"

time osmosis \ --read-pbf-fast workers=${WORKERS} "${TMP_DIR}/step2.osm.pbf" \ --buffer bufferCapacity=12000 \ --used-node \ --write-pbf file="${TMP_DIR}/step3.osm.pbf"

asked 20 Dec '17, 22:03

cbyter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The City of Melbourne has an admin_level=6 boundary: - the same is the case for many cities where I live; once they're large enough to not be "in" a county any more but "be" a county, they become one. Some cities in Germany - Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen - even have an admin_level of 4. Your code only extracts cities with admin_level=8.

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answered 20 Dec '17, 22:19

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 20 Dec '17, 22:03

question was seen: 2,329 times

last updated: 20 Dec '17, 22:43

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