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Hi all,

I am trying to run the render_list command to render my maps. However I am getting a "rendering failed with command 4, pausing." when it gets to zoom 7. The same "error" will happen for about 20-30 times before it gets to "Rendering All tiles for zoom 7..." and then back to the error. Any help would be greatly appreciate and please let me know if I need to provide more logs or any more details.

Edit: based off the syslog it looks like its going to pull some maps from 7/88/48 (for example) but cant find it?

jth-admin@xxxxxxx:/home/osm$ sudo ./
[sudo] password for jth-admin:
debug: init_storage_backend: initialising file storage backend at: /var/lib/mod_tile
Rendering client
Starting 1 rendering threads
Rendering all tiles from zoom 0 to zoom 7
Rendering all tiles for zoom 0 from (0, 0) to (0, 0)
Rendering all tiles for zoom 1 from (0, 0) to (1, 1)
Rendering all tiles for zoom 2 from (0, 0) to (3, 3)
Rendering all tiles for zoom 3 from (0, 0) to (7, 7)
Rendering all tiles for zoom 4 from (0, 0) to (15, 15)
Rendering all tiles for zoom 5 from (0, 0) to (31, 31)
Rendering all tiles for zoom 6 from (0, 0) to (63, 63)
rendering failed with command 4, pausing.
rendering failed with command 4, pausing.
rendering failed with command 4, pausing.

Here is the contents of (just used for logging):

jth-admin@xxxxxxx:/home/osm$ cat
echo Starting render for World level 0-7 >> render.log
date >> render.log
time render_list -a -s /var/run/renderd/renderd.sock -z 0 -Z 7 --force
echo Finished render for World level 0-7 >> render.log
date >> render.log

echo "Done"

here is a small snippet of /var/log/syslog

Dec 19 13:00:01 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(6 default 7/88/40) with protocol version 2 to fd 4
Dec 19 13:00:01 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:00:01 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got command RenderBulk fd(8) xml(default), z(7), x(88), y(40), mime(image/png), options()
Dec 19 13:00:01 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: Received request for map layer 'default' which failed to load
Dec 19 13:00:01 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(4 default 7/88/40) with protocol version 2 to fd 8
Dec 19 13:00:01 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:00:11 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(6 default 7/88/48) with protocol version 2 to fd 4
Dec 19 13:00:11 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:00:11 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got command RenderBulk fd(8) xml(default), z(7), x(88), y(48), mime(image/png), options()
Dec 19 13:00:11 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: Received request for map layer 'default' which failed to load
Dec 19 13:00:11 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(4 default 7/88/48) with protocol version 2 to fd 8
Dec 19 13:00:11 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:00:18 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Failed to read cmd on fd 8
Dec 19 13:00:18 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Connection 0, fd 8 closed, now 0 left
Dec 19 13:00:48 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got incoming connection, fd 8, number 1
Dec 19 13:00:48 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(6 default 0/0/0) with protocol version 2 to fd 4
Dec 19 13:00:48 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:00:48 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got command RenderBulk fd(8) xml(default), z(0), x(0), y(0), mime(image/png), options()
Dec 19 13:00:48 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: Received request for map layer 'default' which failed to load
Dec 19 13:00:48 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(4 default 0/0/0) with protocol version 2 to fd 8
Dec 19 13:00:48 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:00:58 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(6 default 1/0/0) with protocol version 2 to fd 4
Dec 19 13:00:58 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:00:58 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got command RenderBulk fd(8) xml(default), z(1), x(0), y(0), mime(image/png), options()
Dec 19 13:00:58 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: Received request for map layer 'default' which failed to load
Dec 19 13:00:58 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(4 default 1/0/0) with protocol version 2 to fd 8
Dec 19 13:00:58 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:01:08 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(6 default 2/0/0) with protocol version 2 to fd 4
Dec 19 13:01:08 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:01:08 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Got command RenderBulk fd(8) xml(default), z(2), x(0), y(0), mime(image/png), options()
Dec 19 13:01:08 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: Received request for map layer 'default' which failed to load
Dec 19 13:01:08 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: DEBUG: Sending render cmd(4 default 2/0/0) with protocol version 2 to fd 8
Dec 19 13:01:08 xxxxxxx render_list: DEBUG: Got incoming request with protocol version 2
Dec 19 13:05:01 xxxxxxx CRON[20446]: (munin) CMD (if [ -x /usr/bin/munin-cron ]; then /usr/bin/munin-cron; fi)

Here is the contents of the renderd.conf file:

jth-admin@xxxxxxx:/home/osm$ cat /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf



asked 19 Dec '17, 18:43

jhollingsworth's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 19 Dec '17, 18:52

Here's your problem:

Dec 19 13:00:48 xxxxxxx renderd[3795]: Received request for map layer 'default' which failed to load

There's something that the map style is trying to do which failed to load. Try restarting renderd and look at syslog, and there will be more information there.

permanent link

answered 19 Dec '17, 22:41

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

in my case the problem was faild to download some of the files so map layer 'default' dident find the shapes and failed , so i downloaded and added them manually.

permanent link

answered 12 Dec '18, 07:24

do-d's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

@do-d, can you explain how you did that?

(09 Oct '20, 23:11) Bill

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question asked: 19 Dec '17, 18:43

question was seen: 10,922 times

last updated: 09 Oct '20, 23:14

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