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There is a building in my town called "Fruitland Grange". By Definition a grange is like a granary barn, or other barn type building. But this building is being used like a community hall, sometimes as a church. So how I would i tag this building?

asked 14 Dec '17, 18:42

DarthKevbot's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What does the building actually look like? Does it fit the definition you gave?

(14 Dec '17, 21:46) alester

If it looks like a barn, map it as building=barn (or building=granary_barn).

Add a node for the "church": amenity=place_of_worship + religion + denomination and a node for the "community hall": amenity=community_centre inside the building.

The building tag refers to the type of building, not its usage.

permanent link

answered 15 Dec '17, 11:31

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

I used asked a question about building indicate type on the tagging mailing list, as I see some buildings on the wiki-page where we take the usage into account, e.g. cathedral.

(15 Dec '17, 19:09) escada

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question asked: 14 Dec '17, 18:42

question was seen: 1,632 times

last updated: 15 Dec '17, 19:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum