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Hey there, I am working with this tutorial and get the following Errors after running "renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf":

 An error occurred while loading the map layer 'ajt': Postgis Plugin: ERROR:  relation "planet_osm_polygon" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT ST_SRID("way") AS srid FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE ...

in executeQuery Full sql was: 'SELECT ST_SRID("way") AS srid FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE "way" IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;'encountered during parsing of layer 'landcover-low-zoom' in Layer at line 618 of '/home/gsits/src/openstreetmap-carto/mapnik.xml'renderd[19152]: An error occurred while loading the map layer 'ajt': Postgis Plugin: ERROR:  relation "planet_osm_polygon" does not existLINE 1: SELECT ST_SRID("way") AS srid FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE ...

in executeQuery Full sql was: 'SELECT ST_SRID("way") AS srid FROM planet_osm_polygon WHERE "way" IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1;' encountered during parsing of layer 'landcover-low-zoom' in Layer at line 618 of '/home/gsits/src/openstreetmap-carto/mapnik.xml'

Any idea what that means and how to fix this?


asked 14 Dec '17, 13:28

Thal0n's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It looks as though you never imported any data.

(14 Dec '17, 13:40) SK53 ♦

When trying to insert the data into the database it says: Setting up table: planet_osm_point Osm2pgsql failed due to ERROR: CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE planet_osm_point (osm_id int8,"access" text,"addr:housename" text,"addr:housenumber" text,"admin_level" text,"aerialway" text,"aeroway" text,"amenity" text,"barrier" text,"boundary" text,"building" text,"highway" text,"historic" text,"junction" text,"landuse" text,"layer" int4,"leisure" text,"lock" text,"man_made" text,"military" text,"name" text,"natural" text,"oneway" text,"place" text,"power" text,"railway" text,"ref" text,"religion" text,"shop" text,"tourism" text,"water" text,"waterway" text,"tags" hstore,way geometry(POINT,3857) ) WITH ( autovacuum_enabled = FALSE ) failed: ERROR: type "hstore" does not exist LINE 1: ...tourism" text,"water" text,"waterway" text,"tags" hstore,way...

(14 Dec '17, 14:09) Thal0n

Did you run the line CREATE EXTENSION hstore;?

(15 Dec '17, 07:44) Math_1985

What does "sudo apt list --installed | grep -i postgres" say?

I've seen similar problems on a 14.04 machine that had been upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04, and had ended up with two versions of postgres installed. The initial error suggested that hstore was missing, but the actual issue was that I had a mixture of two postgres versions. Completely removing postgres via "sudo apt-get --purge remove" with each of the installed packages and then reinstalling it worked for me (of course, this would only make sense to you if your problem is the same and you don't need that older version for something else).

(15 Dec '17, 13:14) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 14 Dec '17, 13:28

question was seen: 3,580 times

last updated: 15 Dec '17, 13:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum