How often does/will niantic update pokemon go's in-game map with OSM updates such as if someone makes a update to a street or area, how long might it take for it to show up in Pokemon Go. I ask because I recently made an update myself over a week ago and still haven't seen the update live on Pokemon Go's side so I curious if anyone knew the answer to this question before I invest too much time into updating the map for the local players in my area. Thank you! |
To be frank, only Niantic knows the answer. It's totally up to their internal decisions, which unfortunately does not relate at all with OpenStreetMap and its contributors. This discussion suggests that Niantic is using a copy of the OSM database from last August. 6
I figured as much, just curious if anyone had done their own research into this or asked Niantic themselves. I just submitted this question to them as well. I will report my findings back here just incase anyone else is interested.
(11 Dec '17, 16:53)
It'd be nice to link that page to all the vandals creating fake parks and ponds to cheat and catch some more pokemons
(11 Dec '17, 17:41)
I'd find it reasonable for them to update their copy of the OSM database 2-4 times per year (and subsecquently process it into map tiles or whatever they use in the game), but keep in mind that it's all up to Niantic. A lot of players asking them nicely might convince them to update a bit more often though :-)
(11 Dec '17, 17:56)
This was their reply, Hello Trainer, Thank you for contacting Pokémon GO support team. I appreciate your interest in Pokémon GO and we look forward to bringing new features to the game. We are not able to comment on the specifics of future features as they are subject to change. Keep an eye out for update and announcements on the official Pokémon GO website or Niantic Blog! I have also forwarded your report to our team for further review. Let us know if you need help with anything else. Best Regards, Mandy Niantic Support 3
That's not a very helpful reply, but at this time I guess it's the best you can have. Note that they have only just started using OSM based maps and might have better answers in a few months.
(12 Dec '17, 14:59)
Some people said they saw edits from 6 months ago on the Pokemon Go map.
(12 Dec '17, 21:16)
Some apparently found that the PG Map was based on OSM data from sometime in august, so any edits up until that time would be in it.
(16 Dec '17, 20:33)
Take a look at this Subreddit. You should also search online for more information because I bet there is something that can give you a definite answer. |