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With so many points of interest mapped in detail, a categorized listing of this information would be handy. A way to quickly get a listings of restaurants, barbers, grocers, etc. Something like DMOZ (long ago), which "used a hierarchical ontology scheme for organizing site listings". Or even, something similar to OSMAnd's search would work. Think, something that could be added to a chamber of commerce's website and used by a Grandma. Does anyone know of a service like this?

asked 11 Dec '17, 04:27

treestryder's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Dec '17, 01:36


Found this site, which would be perfect, without the overwhelming amout of advertisements.

(23 Dec '17, 01:33) treestryder

Looks like ( ) could work.

(10 Jan '18, 03:37) treestryder

There are some commercial sites which have essentially done that. They automatically create one page for every street or point of interest based on OSM data, and display related links and ads as their apparent business model. They seem to primarily rely on showing up in search results for roads and POIs, and are in fact highly ranked for lesser-known street names where there's not much actual content available on the web.

Examples include and, both of which focus on a German audience and appear to be products by the same company. (Curiously, they use Google Maps for the actual map of the street/POI – even though the rest of the content on their pages is sourced from and attributed to OSM.)

Another example is, which exists in several variants such as for the US and for the UK. In addition to a search box, it lets you navigate down a hierarchical tree from states to streets.

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of an open source implementation of the idea.

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answered 11 Dec '17, 17:46

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

edited 23 Dec '17, 09:36

We do such a thing in Ethiopia with and try to make it OpenSource. The plans are outlined here: and here:

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answered 26 Dec '21, 16:29

AddisMap_Alexander's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Feb '22, 18:59

If you know the precise tag you're after, you can use overpass turbo (zoom the map to your area and click on "Wizard").

I'm sure there's a better solution, though. :)

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answered 11 Dec '17, 04:42

dsh4's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

Thanks. I'm aware of Overpass, but am looking for something far more user friendly. Think, something that could be added to our chamber of commerce's website and used by my Grandma. =) It came to mind, that this could easily be static pages generated from an export, but I do not have the free cycles to write such a system.

(11 Dec '17, 14:07) treestryder

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question asked: 11 Dec '17, 04:27

question was seen: 2,574 times

last updated: 08 Feb '22, 18:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum