Hi, I am quite now to osm and the answer to my question might be obvious but why does the following filter result in osm-points not being tagged as shops? key = "shop" & value = "supermarket" The corresponding polygons are tagged as shops but not all the points. Thank you for clarifying. |
It really depends on the software you are using. A simple filter software would perhaps give you only the nodes, ways, and relations that do indeed match your rule, but in most cases knowing that "there is a way tagged as shop=supermarket" but not knowing where that way is, isn't all that helpful - hence many filter programs will helpfully add the nodes required to build the way's geometry. These nodes will then of course not carry the supermarket tags. |
I am currently using the R-package osmdata to download osm data for analysis and not for editing. Do I need to ask the question somewhere else?
It looks like someone's asked a somewhat similar question at https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/264569/how-to-plot-osm-polygons-using-osmdata-and-leaflet-in-r .