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I just tagged the WestLB building in Düsseldorf, Germany, which is the headquarters of a large commercial bank (map link).

I tagged it as amenity=bank, name=WestLB. However, I'm not sure this is correct:

The Wiki page for the key "amenity" says:

the primary tag for useful and important facilities for visitors and residents: toilets, telephones, banks [...]

So this seems to imply that amenity=bank is only appropriate for branches that offer retail banking (like ATMs, personal bank accounts etc.), but not for bank offices that only server large institutional customers.

So is amenity=bank still appropriate here, or rather something like office=bank, or office=financial (or something else entirely)?

asked 30 Jun '11, 13:04

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

edited 30 Jun '11, 13:05

I'm not convinced that it's any more a bank than one of the Petronas Towers is a petrol station!

Your other suggestion of office=bank has only a few takers so far, but personally I'd probably go for that than the nondescript but popular "office=company".

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answered 05 Jul '11, 23:34

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


Thanks. With petrol stations, things are clearer because a petrol station is not the same as a petrol company. However, "bank" is ambiguous (because there are retail banks, investment banks, government banks etc.). Still, office=bank makes most sense to me.

(06 Jul '11, 02:08) sleske

Yes, office=bank might be more appropriate because the institution in your example is a bank but it is not open to the public, has no counters, etc. IMHO amenity=bank does require that it is open to customers.

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answered 06 Jul '11, 02:17

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%


If I were tagging it, I would still do "amenity=bank" and add "access=private". If the proposed "access restrictions 1.5" get accepted, a better option might even be "access=member".

BTW, This is similar to my tagging question about a members-only fuel station.

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answered 05 Jul '11, 20:21

jwernerny's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jul '11, 23:21

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 30 Jun '11, 13:04

question was seen: 6,255 times

last updated: 20 Feb '15, 05:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum