Hi, for my application I need the ways around me (e.g. in a 2000m radius). At the moment I have the following query (Overpass):
From this query, I get nodes and ways. Example of a way:
My first problem is that I need more details (name, ref name, maxspeed...) for the ways. At the moment, I make another request to Nominatim for each way, e.g.: https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/lookup?format=json&namedetails=1&osm_ids=W305251304 This takes too long. Is it possible to get the details for all the ways already in the Overpass query? If not, is there another API which I can use for my requirements? By the way: I have installed Nominatim and Overpass on my own server because I send many requests. My second problem is that I just need streets, I don't need e.g. cycleways, footways and buildings. How can I manage this in my query? |
To just retrieve highways, add a rule for that. In the QL, As far as the details, Overpass API is returning all of the tags associated with a given way. Nominatim adds a calculated address, something Overpass API can't do. |
I solved the first problem by myself.
I have now the following query:
How can I exclude e.g. areas for landuse? The following query doesn't work: