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In my town (in France) there are several companies that offer "assisted living services", mainly for elderly people, such as helping with chores, but they often also include other "helping home" ("aide à domicile") services such as occasional baby-sitting, and hiring craftsmen and housemaids. The company itself is just a small office.

After some research while writing the question, I'm beginning to think the appropriate tag would be office=employment_agency, but the description is somewhat indirectly related to the purpose; these companies present themselves as places that provide means to aid people with their house chores; the fact that they often use temporary workers for that seems more like an accidental means.

Still, if employment_agency would be the right tag, I'll want to edit its page to add some examples, since I'm sure I must have seen it several times and not noticed that would be the appropriate tag.

asked 02 Dec '17, 19:24

voyageant's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are 306 pages at , so I bet there's something there that is more appropriate in the "long tail" of values. Maybe "office=social_facility" might work?

permanent link

answered 02 Dec '17, 19:30

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks, I didn't know about taginfo. I'm still undecided, because there are only 18 of them (against ~5k employment_agency), and some of the services are not that closely related to social_facility, e.g. hiring cleaning maids for non-elderly people and temporary babysitting. Would it be better to instead mention in the employment_agency wiki that it also applies to places where that is the actual modus operandi, even if that's not their primary purpose (i.e. most people going there are looking for contractors, while in some employment agencies, the "clients" are the contractors themselves)?

(02 Dec '17, 21:30) voyageant

When it comes to looking at what people use tags for (which is something I've done a lot of when making rendering decisions) the wiki has essentially no bearing. Just because another tag is more popular doesn't mean that it's more relevant in this particular case.

Also, it's much easier for someone to look later and say "I'll process those 18 social_facility as if they were..." than try and work out which of the 5k they actually are.

That's not to say that people should always make up new tags - if there's an obvious one, it makes sense to use it - it's just that in this case there isn't really an obvious option.

(02 Dec '17, 22:56) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 02 Dec '17, 19:24

question was seen: 1,076 times

last updated: 02 Dec '17, 22:58

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