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For faster mapping I used two browser window for the task of HOT but after few changes a pop-up window appeared and it showed that login for Authentication process. Have any problem with that to use two browser window at the same time. My current location is in Dhaka, Bangladesh and my internet speed is not up to the mark for mapping quickly, for that I use this process.

asked 02 Dec '17, 17:14

Md%20Atikuzzaman%20Limon's gravatar image

Md Atikuzzam...
accept rate: 0%

I'm not sure why you got an extra login popup, but if you're using two browser-based editors one thing that you will have to be careful about is editing the same object (perhaps a relation) in both windows. If you do, and save from one window you won't be able to save from the second because it won't have the most up-to-date version - it'll give you an error saying that the server has a higher version of an object than you have. One way around this might be to have two tasks a long way away from each other in each browser window.

Another possibility might be to use an off-line editor such as JOSM - that way, once you've downloaded the data that you want to work with you can do all the editing that you want and then upload at the end of the process - you're not waiting for data to be (re-)downloaded while you're editing. You may still get version problems if another mapper has already saved a higher version of an object that you want to save, but JOSM allows you to reconcile your changes with the other mappers, and so you can still save your changes.

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answered 02 Dec '17, 19:15

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Hi Md Atikuzzam, even a period of 5 days could cause duplicate buildings. I don’t know how, but 2 different mappers had been active in the same HOT area with the same buildings. What resulted in different buildings over each other and even not on the same place. They were not using JOSM, which is loudly commenting on crossing buildings.

(04 Dec '17, 13:44) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 02 Dec '17, 17:14

question was seen: 1,479 times

last updated: 04 Dec '17, 13:44

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