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I am trying to map some model aircraft flying areas and unsure what tags to use for the area. These are not areas shared with others in public parks but are large areas set aside for very active model aircraft clubs for their recreation.
I expected that the bounds of the area could be tagged with
landuse=recreation_ground + aeroway=model_aerodrome or sport=model_aerodrome
aeroway=model_runway for defined/mown_grass/marked runways or aeroway=model_airstrip for more general runway area
ref=02/20;14/32 for runway orientation

Proposed features/Model Aerodrome


Would like further advice and comments or a good example of a well mapped/tagged model aerodrome thanks.

asked 29 Nov '17, 10:00

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 29 Nov '17, 11:02

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question asked: 29 Nov '17, 10:00

question was seen: 861 times

last updated: 29 Nov '17, 11:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum