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There is a polygon with a wrong boundary in OSM and I would like to replace with the correct one. I have uploaded the polygon with the correct boundary but OSM still renders the the old incorrect polygon.

asked 27 Nov '17, 13:52

sang3's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Nov '17, 14:50

neuhausr's gravatar image



Could you paste the url from of the area here so someone can see if all ok. I expect you should check again tomorrow and refresh your browser at each level and it should look ok.

(27 Nov '17, 13:57) nevw

"the correct boundary" implies that you are using a third party source. Have you checked if the usage terms are compatible with both the contributor terms you agreed to as our distribution licence?

The other point is that "correct" is in the eye of the beholder, while for most objects and properties there are simple criteria for "correct" in the case of boundaries on persons "correct" may be another persons "totally wrong" and in general I would recommend against Newbies changing things without prior consultation with the local communities affected (non-Newbies will do that in any case).

(28 Nov '17, 09:27) SimonPoole ♦

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question asked: 27 Nov '17, 13:52

question was seen: 1,454 times

last updated: 28 Nov '17, 09:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum