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I would like to add variable pricing, where my source would be Malaysia Highway Authority. Is it possible to add fee:car=2.10 on top of fee=yes? Furthermore, is this the standard way of adding toll booth amount data?

asked 26 Nov '17, 05:46

MotionLogistics's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

fee is only used to tag if (fee=yes, fee=no) and when (fee=<interval>) there is a charge. The charge amount is specified via the charge key.

These tages aren't widely in use so there is no "standard way" currently. You can check taginfo for typical values of the charge key. You can see that many of them are just plain text values which cannot be parsed by a machine. Taginfo can also show similar keys which reveals that some people also started to use charge:motorcar, charge:bus to tag fees for specific types of transportation.

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answered 30 Nov '17, 08:32

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 26 Nov '17, 05:46

question was seen: 2,132 times

last updated: 30 Nov '17, 08:32

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