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I just noticed that the Great Lakes of Canada and the US now show up at all zoom levels, and then noticed that this seems to be true of all lakes.

I'd thought that there was a technical reason making this very resource intensive, and so wasn't done. (There was some discussion about this a year or two back, when the Great Lakes were tagged as Lakes, having been tagged as sea for an extended period)

Has somebody come up with something clever, are the rendering servers just allocating more rendering resources for this task, or is something else going on?

asked 26 Nov '17, 02:10

keithonearth's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 26 Nov '17, 02:42

You probably mean standard tile layer powered by osm-carto style? Yes, it was related to heavy database requests, but I've found that we can limit them a lot without big visual consequences:

It has been released with v4.4.0 (2017-10-20) and soon deployed on OSMF servers.

permanent link

answered 26 Nov '17, 02:46

kocio's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%


Thanks Kocio! Good to get the info straight from you.

Yes, you're right I meant osm-carto style, I could have made that more clear.

I was especially impressed by how Canada looks now that the lakes are getting rendered. I forget how many lakes they have in Eastern Canada.

Looks great!

(26 Nov '17, 04:53) keithonearth

North of Europe is pretty similar too... =}

Currently we plan to filter out some smaller lakes on low zoom levels, because they just make noise, but it should only increase readability without loosing general feeling:

(26 Nov '17, 04:59) kocio

Thanks for the link!

In all honesty I kind of like it the way it is. Or at least 32px seems a bit large to filter. Smaller than 2-4px seems more reasonable to me. But then you can't make everyone happy.

Whatever happens with rendering lakes at low zooms I do appreciate all the work you do on the rendering. The gray parking-lots are pretty cool. :-)

(26 Nov '17, 05:42) keithonearth

Fixed 32 px filter was just an initial proposition - look at the softer "progressive" filtering demo, which I hope we will merge eventually:

And if you like new parking lots, just look at the center of Detroit now and try to imagine it in previous yellow version... =} :

(26 Nov '17, 05:50) kocio

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question asked: 26 Nov '17, 02:10

question was seen: 2,416 times

last updated: 26 Nov '17, 05:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum