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Hello, I installed openstreetmap-website following the guide on After that I import a small .osm file to openstreetmap database. When I opened my browser and typed "localhost:3000", I signed up and login. What I saw is not only my imported data but the map all over the world just like the openstreetmap official website. So I just cannot see any differences between importing data to database openstreetmap with not importing data to database. Another thing is strange, when I click "edit" button ,I did some changes to my map and saved it, But I can only see changes in edit page, In my initial log in page I cannot see any change.

How can I see my changes on my initial page and upload changes to my local database?

asked 24 Nov '17, 09:03

gleide's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

edited 18 Sep '19, 08:52

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

@alester: I do not think so - because of "What I saw is not only my imported data but the map all over the world" and "I can only see changes in edit page" it seems (at least in this attempt) gleide successfully edits his local database, but views tiles (in the browser) from (instead of gleide's own tiles).

For gleide this likely this problem is solved in the previous question, yes.

(06 Nov '18, 05:37) aseerel4c26 ♦

@gleide could you please mention a real URL instead of "github /openstreetmap/ "?

If you solved your problem yourself in the meantime, please just post an own answer. Thanks!

(06 Nov '18, 05:39) aseerel4c26 ♦

It seems you successfully edit your local database, but view tiles (in the browser) from (instead of your own tiles). Please check which tiles are fetched by your browser (e.g. in Firefox via ctrl+shift+E or ctrl+shift+K and the opening your webpage http://localhost:3000 ). Possibly you need to change the tile source for this webpage to point to your own tile server.

permanent link

answered 06 Nov '18, 05:38

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

@aseerel4c26, I have the same issue as @gleide. My OSM server's tiles come from * Should they come from my own OSM server? If so, can you please tell me how to change the tile source server? (I used the official server installation instructions:

(18 Sep '19, 08:40) a_kari
permanent link

answered 02 Oct '19, 10:32

a_kari's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Oct '19, 10:33

Your tutorial is excellent. Thanks for sharing your info.

(19 Dec '19, 15:09) JoseBLJ

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question asked: 24 Nov '17, 09:03

question was seen: 6,579 times

last updated: 19 Dec '19, 15:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum