I have come across a number of edits where relatively new users have tagged, supposedly their own, houses with thier own name e.g. max's residence. Such edits are generally "low effort" and do not have other tags bedsides "name". What should be done about these edits? |
Generally speaking, the With names or identities of people we have the added complication of data protection; the name or identity of the occupant can generally only be mapped if they are soliciting business ("John Smith, Carpenter") but not if they're just living there in a private capacity. In theory, someone can of course voluntarily add information about themselves, but how are we to know that the person who tags "Max's Residence" is really Max, and is old enough to make an informed decision about their data protection rights? In all likelihood what you are seeing is teenage doodles where people add each other's houses (and the next level is "names" that inform us about how untidy or immoral the place is). Delete the name, and add a nice changeset comment as suggested in cachafish's answer. |
Personally, I delete the name tag when I see someone has named a building after him/herself. If there's doubt as to whether the name is correct, you could contact the creator of the information. An explanation of your deletion in the changeset comments is appropriate when you save your change. |