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Can I download just specific objects in JOSM to create relations, not only complete areas, like when I want to "make a hole" in a HUGE forest multipolygon with an inner small one. When I try to download the HUGE multipolygon I get "The area you tried to download is too big or your request was too large" message so I simply cannot create the new relation in JOSM. Basically I need only the two objects and the current relations tables of them, right? Maybe there are some non-GUI tools for this type of editing?


asked 23 Nov '17, 11:16

I_G's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One option is to download a small corner of the forest, so you get the relation loaded in JOSM (you don't need the entire forest for this). Then you can download the area where you want the "hole", create it and add it to the relation.

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answered 23 Nov '17, 11:36

Hjart's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

There's a few ways you can do this:

  • If the relation exists already, download the relation itself by downloading one member the usual way. Then select that relation via its member, click edit in the tags/membership sidebar, and click the download all incomplete members or download selected incomplete members button in the relation editing dialog.
  • If you know the obect ids, you can download them "manually" using the file->download object menu.
  • You can use the download_along and/or waydownloader plugins to dowload osm data along a way
  • You can download osm data area by area (as long as your machine is powerful enough). Using the file->download in current view menu (consider adding it to your toolbar or as a keyboard shortcut) makes that pretty easy.
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answered 23 Nov '17, 11:44

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 23 Nov '17, 11:16

question was seen: 3,685 times

last updated: 23 Nov '17, 11:44

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