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Dear open street map developers and users,

Could you please explain me why open street map shows Crimea as territory of Russia? This peninsula was annexed from Ukraine by Russia illegally, and this annexion was not acceptted by any country of the world. For example google map shows correct result about Crimea as Ukraine territory.

How can I notify for help center of openstreetmap to discuss this issue? Whom can I write to complain about it?

Thanks, Dmytro

asked 21 Nov '17, 13:59

Dmytro%20Babenko's gravatar image

Dmytro Babenko
accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Nov '17, 21:00

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question, see" by scai 21 Nov '17, 14:27

For disputed territories please refer to the official statement by the OSMF:

At the moment Crimea is both a part of Ukraine and Russia in OSM.

permanent link

answered 21 Nov '17, 14:22

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 21 Nov '17, 14:27

If Crimea is both part in OSM. Why Crimea cities are written in Russian language, and were not written in Ukrainian?

For example google map shows Crimea as part of Ukraine and cities from this are written in Ukrainian.

(21 Nov '17, 14:51) Dmytro Babenko

The names to be rendered are not defined by the administrative borders. Instead they are defined by the name tag(s) on each individual object. Looks like there have been various questionable edits on these cities in the past month and years. Look for example at the history of these two cities and how the name tag has been changed multiple times from Ukrainian to Russian and back: and

(21 Nov '17, 15:09) scai ♦

If user see the name of city in Russian language, he think that it is Russian city. If I see on google map I noticed that name of Simferopol is written in Ukrainian, but open street map confuses it. Whom can I ask to re-render the name of cities?

(21 Nov '17, 15:35) Dmytro Babenko

The rendering will only change if you change the name tag. This will however likely result in other mappers reverting your changes. This edit war can only be solved by the Data Working Group, if at all. Discussing this here is out of the scope of this help system. You can try to get into contact with the DWG or discuss this issue at the talk mailing list. There won't be a solution that makes both the Ukrainian and Russian community happy. This is a political issue OSM can't solve.

(21 Nov '17, 16:05) scai ♦

Ok, I will write a letter to Data Working Group or discuss this issue with talk mailing list. You should not find a solution that makes both Ukrainian and Russian community happy, no country in the world recognizes that Crimea is Russian territory. All European countries and USA are not accepted annexation Crimea by Russia.

(21 Nov '17, 16:25) Dmytro Babenko

@Dmytro Babenko please read the document you've already been pointed to. If a specific on-the-ground situation if officially recognized is in general not a concern for OSM, on the other hand the facts are.

(21 Nov '17, 22:42) SimonPoole ♦

It is possible that Google shows the Crimea as part of Russia, when you are visiting their website from Russia. see e.g

(22 Nov '17, 06:06) escada
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question asked: 21 Nov '17, 13:59

question was seen: 5,362 times

last updated: 22 Nov '17, 06:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum