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Link to google street view so you can see what I'm talking about: top end of Jubilee Avenue

(also the two adjacent parallel roads)

I tagged these 3 roads in a way that turns out was incorrect earlier today, due to a combination of inaccurate memory and slight misunderstanding on the phone when clarifying what the restrictions were...

One would normally expect the No Entry sign to indicate that the street is one way, but this is not the case as it actually has lanes in both directions which vehicles are free to use.

At least taking the signs literally, it would seem the only legal use of the part of the left lane seen would be to do a 3-point turn or U-turn (for a [motor]bike!) at the very end of the road...

The restriction at the other end of the road is clearer: bottom end of Jubilee Avenue

No vehicles, except for access, which AIUI means that the way is access=destination, but how to tag to take account of the no-entry signs at the other end of the way in place of the oneway=yes I originally entered?

Edit: Note that these roads didn't originally have this restriction, it was added later, AIUI in order to avoid these roads being used as a short-cut. Springfield Avenue, the south-most of the 3 roads, has a physical barrier in place at the junction to block access to the left lane. It leaves a non-blocked section whose size and shape appears to be designed to allow bicycles to make a left turn into the road despite the general restriction - perhaps this is the intended access for all of the roads, and they just didn't get round to building the other two barriers?

asked 28 Jun '11, 23:38

banoffee's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%

edited 28 Jun '11, 23:46

I guess you have 2 options here:
1 - Create turn restrictions such that you cannot turn into this street (or go straight ahead into it).
2 - Make a short stretch of it oneway=yes.
While the former is probably more correct, I would probably opt for the latter.

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answered 29 Jun '11, 00:19

Ebenezer's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

Hmmm... well I suppose that second one is actually what is present for Springfield Avenue, which literally has about a 1 metre section of oneway road. I'll have another look tomorrow, in case any other bright ideas show up overnight, but otherwise might as well tag them all the same, using what is physically present there as my template!

(29 Jun '11, 00:35) banoffee

I went for method 2 in the end, with an explanatory note for any other editors who can see from the aerial image that it doesn't look one-way. If anyone knows a better way, feel free to fix it up later.

Note to self in future, make sure I download data again before editing - seems I got an edit conflict with my mum, whose interest having been piqued by my sending her to a Walking Papers link to draw on where the different "road names" apply, has now been entering/fixing stuff directly herself :)

(29 Jun '11, 10:28) banoffee

I'd tend to trust the signs at the bottom of the avenue and pretend they are the same at the top : the ones at the top dont make sense and were probably used in because some drivers ignored the "except for access" rule. So that would be oneway=no,access=destination.

Either that, or the street is one-way but the road markings havent been updated yet (that shouldn't be hard to check). In that case, keep access=destination but add oneway=yes.

(29 Jun '11, 12:30) Vincent de P... ♦

It's very common in London to have a two-way residential street with a more recently added ("traffic calming") no-entry restriction at an end leading onto a main road. Normally it comes with a narrowed section on the one-way bit too, which makes it clearer. It also makes it clearer from a mapping point of view. Always mapped with Method 2. e.g.

(29 Jun '11, 16:56) Harry Wood

"no entry" does not mean that the road is one-way. It usually is, but it just means that you can't "enter" the road in the prohibited direction. If, for example, a vehicle were dropped in by a helicopter, just "inside" the no-entry restriction, the vehicle is free to move in either direction, unless there are signs indicating otherwise.

This sort of thing is called a "plug" and is often applied to allow cycles free two-way access into/outof/along the road, whilst preventing motor vehicles from entering the road from the given direction.

Nevertheless, the situation you have shown is a bit weird. You need to go and find out what the access restrictions actually are. I'd probably go for a short one-vehicle length at the one end, and just mark that as one-way, leaving the rest of the road as two-way.


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answered 26 Jul '11, 10:37

mwbg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 28 Jun '11, 23:38

question was seen: 11,500 times

last updated: 26 Jul '11, 10:37

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