My Etsy stats had linked this image to openstreetmap. I want to take a screenshot, but the image won't let me receive the full globe, so information is missing. Can you help me acquire the full globe image? |
The question has been closed for the following reason "This question is not about OpenStreetMap, but about technical details of a website which uses OSM data." by sleske 20 Nov '17, 10:19
You'll need to talk to Etsy about it. The image you show says "(c) Mapbox (c) OpenstreetMap" in the corner. What this likely means is that Etsy have contracted with Mapbox to display maps for their site. The data in the orange circles will be from Etsy; at least some of the rest of the data will be from OpenStreetMap; the style of the map will be from Mapbox. Some data might also be sourced by Mapbox from other places that don't require attribution. Fundamentally, though, it's a map designed by or for Etsy; if you want to see something different you'll need to talk to them about it. |
That depends. What do the orange circles represent? If this information is only accessible by Etsy then we can't help you. OSM only has geographic data.
What do you mean by "linked this image to openstreetmap"? Where did you get the image from? It does not seem to be from .
According to the copyright in the bottom right corner it shows an OSM map with a Mapbox style.