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Hi, I have searched for a tag to map / tag a gated community. I noticed several but tagged with landuse=residential, but that is not specific for this situation. The Wiki nor this Forum has an answer for this subject. Or should I just map and tag the wall / fence + barbed_wire around the area as if it was an administrative border ? I can’t use both barriers fence & barbed_wire together is not it ?

asked 16 Nov '17, 14:15

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

You can always add the gate itself along with an appropriate access tag, and all the roads inside the complex with access tags as well.

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answered 16 Nov '17, 14:26

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

These little enclaves are scattered all over Thailand and are known as mubans. I tag them with landuse=residential, adding ways and access tags, gates, etc., and then gated_community=yes

There are only about 100 uses of the gated_community tag but it seems to perfectly describe what I see on the ground.



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answered 17 Nov '17, 00:27

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

I would map and tag appropriately individual different fence types and walls around the area, then select them all and create a relation with those having an outer role and tag the relation as landuse=residential. On the service road leading in to the gated area I would add the gate on the fence line where it crosses the road and add an access tag like access=private or destination or whatever is more suitable. Sometimes gated facilties might be social facilities or jails instead of residential landuse areas I suppose.

For those parts that have a wall or fence topped with barbed wire and you wish to map both, i think you would need to draw a second way over the wall or fence reusing the same nodes and add barbed wire tags to it. You would not add this overlapping way/s to the relation as the relation is only there to define the boundary polygon.

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answered 16 Nov '17, 14:35

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 16 Nov '17, 14:51

The tag residential = gated seems to be widely used as of 2023

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answered 02 Feb '23, 03:44

rene78's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Feb '23, 03:45

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question asked: 16 Nov '17, 14:15

question was seen: 4,326 times

last updated: 10 Feb '23, 14:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum