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When a cycleway has a bollard, the resting width to pass through is narrowed down. For some special cycles (e.g. cargo bikes or bikes with carts), this might the route impassable.

How do I tag this? Do I use a width-tag on the bollard node? Or is this interpreted as the width of the obstacle itself (although this seems silly).

asked 16 Nov '17, 13:51

Pieter%20Vander%20Vennet's gravatar image

Pieter Vande...
accept rate: 50%

On the bollard wiki page it mentions a maxwidth tag and I think this is suitable to add to the bollard to advise the maximum width of any vehicle like disability scooters or bike trailers or recumbent bikes, etc that could fit through the restriction.

maxwidth:physical would be good in addition to maxwidth to idicate it is a physical restriction instead of a legal restriction.

permanent link

answered 16 Nov '17, 14:12

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 16 Nov '17, 15:06

Hi nevw, it could be mentioned in specific traffic rules concerning the max wide of a vehicle and that is different in every country. The minimal width between the bollards could there be there too, but it's no less then 0,75 to 1,60 m. The first is the maximum width of a bicycle and 1,60 is passable by 5 % of the motor vehicles you don't wont to pass.

(16 Nov '17, 14:40) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 16 Nov '17, 13:51

question was seen: 1,892 times

last updated: 16 Nov '17, 15:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum