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Due to a very large construction project nearby, parts of a building were demolished.

These parts contained the cafeteria of a pretty large hospital, so to ensure the doctors, nurses and other employees can have their lunch, they built a semi-permanent tent-village, which has canvas walls, but regular doors. The kitchen is in containers, there are heaters supplying warm air to the tents, etc. They have wooden flooring, and they don't feel like a tent at all, really.

How should I map these features? The tents will be standing for at least another year, so they're certainly not temporary like a regular tent, etc.

Since I didn't know better, I've used amenity=shelter and shelter_type=weather_shelter, but it doesn't feel right, since it's not a truly rigid structure. Also not as permanent.

It is more permanent that a circus tent, for instance, but less so than a construction site office container, or perhaps maybe just as much permanent. Certainly not seasonal, as it will be standing until they're finished building the building.

asked 15 Nov '17, 16:56

polemon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

A good question. maybe building=yes temporary=yes cafe node at entrance and the footpath to it. It is more important users can find their way to the canteen than what it is made of. I also like to mark construction site office so that trucks and site workers can find it easily even if the work may only be there a year of so, hopefully that will keep the roads clear for medical traffic. Notes can be added to the map page indicating that changes are going to be made near a particular date so other mappers watch for changes.

permanent link

answered 16 Nov '17, 07:53

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

Oh ok, I wasn't aware of temporary=*, although the Wiki page lists it as "proposed". The idea to map the amenity and then signify its permanence is a good idea though! I'll use the tag, and see how it renders and check back.

(16 Nov '17, 12:10) polemon

OK, I've checked how the tent-city in Mekka is made. Those are building=residential. They're more permanent that what's discussed here, but for now, I feel most comfortable with building=container and temporary=yes, as large parts of it are made with containers.

(20 Nov '17, 10:43) polemon

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question asked: 15 Nov '17, 16:56

question was seen: 2,562 times

last updated: 20 Nov '17, 10:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum