Cross-border checkpoints usually have a plenty of service roads that are designated for different types of vehicles: buses, trucks etc. Is it a good practise to give names to such roads which would describe the road purpose? For example, "Bus Lane", "Lane for EU citizens", "Lane for all passports" etc. My concern here is that such names are not official names. Moreover, these are service roads. Of course, "alt_name" or "loc_name" would be better here, but they do not allow language suffix, which is also necessary here. Related topic on the Q&A forum: topic. P.S. Such tags as "bus"="yes", "hgv"="no" are used too. |
"Is it a good practise to give names to such roads which would describe the road purpose?" Note - "Name is the name only" "The names should be restricted to the name of the item in question only and should not include additional information not contained in the official name such as categories, types, descriptions, addresses or notes. However - if something has the official name "East 110th Street" this full name should be in the name nonwithstanding the fact that the "street", the "110" and "east" might be deducible from some other information. If something really doesn't have a name, don't add a name to OpenStreetMap. Any additional information should be included in separate tags (...) to identify its meaning." So use name=Lane for all passports only if its name really is "Lane for all passports" and not just because it describes ts purpose. Exactly like one would tag "highway=service, surface=sand" rather name "highway=service, name=warning: sand" |