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The Bing WMS image layer suddenly stopped showing up. It doesn't give a red error or anything. But nothing shows up just like nothing was selected. Could this be somehow related to Firefox 5 that I just updated? It was fine until recently and I didn't change anything. I have a Windows XP PC.

asked 28 Jun '11, 04:44

nmixter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I sometimes get this and find that turning it off and then back on again (the computer) fixes it.

(29 Jun '11, 01:08) c2r

This probably won't help, but I am using Windows 7 64-bit and have updated to Firefox 5 and the Bing imagery still (currently) works fine for me (in Potlatch 2 and JOSM).

I also have a VMWare based Windows XP machine at work that I use occasionally and have just installed Firefox 5 and Flash on that and the Bing imagery works fine there too.

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answered 28 Jun '11, 11:30

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

I had the same issue with Firefox. To fix this I went to the site... then clicked on Tools>Page Info>Security(Tab)>View Cookies>Remove All Cookies. Closed and restarted Firefox...and poof it was back. Hope this helps.

permanent link

answered 05 Jan '13, 03:56

op4chief's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jan '13, 03:57

Firefox 22

Mac 10.6.8

No images for Bing either.

History and cookies are cleared after every session. Restart doesn't make them reappear.

(17 Jul '13, 10:42) sagesage

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question asked: 28 Jun '11, 04:44

question was seen: 18,126 times

last updated: 17 Jul '13, 17:08

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