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Hello,I build my own tile server on my ubuntu16.04. I import a small area of mapdata to PostgreSQL.Then I use Apache and mod_tile and mapnik to render the tile.finally I use openlayer to display my Web map. I want do some change without update my change to openstreetmap server,just edit my local tile server.I choose install Rais Port.In Josm connecting server option ,I choose :http://localhost:3000/api.But after I do some change and upload to my server.I cannot see my changes. How can I edit my local tile server?

asked 06 Nov '17, 08:16

gleide's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

Your tile server database (likely a osm2pgsql schema DB) needs to be updated from the data in the rails port database. If it is a small area it probably doesn't make sense to use the minutely diff mechanism for updating,

Exporting the data in OSM XML format from the rails-port DB can likely be done with osmosis, see

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answered 06 Nov '17, 09:41

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks for your help.But I didin't express my question clearly.What I really want to do as following: In Rails Port,there are online editor like iD potlatch2,I want to edit my map and save the change to my local server not the openstreetmap server for some policy limitation.but when I save my change It asked me whether to upload to openstreetmap server,How can I only save my change on my local server but not openstreetmap server.

(06 Nov '17, 14:41) gleide

I completely understood that. If you are using iD on your rails-port instance you are already storing in your local DB, but as explained above wont automatically be reflected in your rendering DB.

(06 Nov '17, 20:40) SimonPoole ♦

Another option, that may be easier than setting up the Rails port locally, is to create the file you want to update in .osc format and throw it at Osmosis. If you look here and at the "openstreetmap-tiles-update-expire" script you can see how that script calls Osmosis with a .osc file. Create a file in that format (e.g. from JOSM) and call Osmosis with it.

Also, if you're adding completely new stuff and there's not much of it, you could call osm2pgsql in append mode. See here for an example of that in context.

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answered 06 Nov '17, 13:07

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks for your help.But what I really want to do is not updating my database as people edit OpenStreetMap.What I really want to do as following: In Rails Port,there are online editor like iD potlatch2,I want to edit my map online and save the change to my local server not the openstreetmap server for some policy limitation. I would really appreciate it if you could help me solve my problem.

(06 Nov '17, 14:48) gleide

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question asked: 06 Nov '17, 08:16

question was seen: 3,952 times

last updated: 06 Nov '17, 20:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum