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How can I tag "turn:lanes" when a bus lane is in the middle?

See picture below

"turn:lanes"="left;through|right" or "turn:lanes"="left;through|none|right" ...?

asked 03 Nov '17, 12:23

istefanos's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Nov '17, 12:30

I haven't mapped bus lanes (yet) so this is just a first attempt at thinking this through.

First, it appears there are three lanes:


I can't see turn lane markings in the center lane but the two outer lanes have them:


I assume busses may use the outside lanes:


I am not sure if non-bus access is picked up from the psv tag or not, so I might add


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answered 03 Nov '17, 15:04

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Small correction: psv is a vehicle type, and can therefore not be used as value. The last tag should be access:lanes=yes|no|yes instead. (For psv, the "no" is overriden by the "designated" from the more specific psv:lanes tag, but everyone else is excluded.)

(03 Nov '17, 20:11) Tordanik

stf and Tordanik, thank You for Your answers, I keep tagging it this way "turn:lanes=left;through|none|right"

I am not sure if tagging "psv:lanes" accepts "yes" or "no", I did not find any documentation about it. I found only "lanes:psv" with number values:

Bus lanes


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answered 07 Nov '17, 13:26

istefanos's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The extension :lanes can be appended to all keys to make them apply on a per-lane basis instead of the road as a whole. The values stay the same, and usually, there's no special wikipage created for the per-lane variant. So when looking for documentation on such a key, it's best to look for the base key (in this case, psv).

As such, documentation on the values is found at Key:psv, and especially the main Key:access page that is linked from there.

(10 Nov '17, 18:43) Tordanik

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question asked: 03 Nov '17, 12:23

question was seen: 2,905 times

last updated: 10 Nov '17, 18:43

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