we are collecting large amount of traffic data in our country, is there way; that we can feed that to openstreetmap? |
If you could publish the data anyway, and then add its location to https://github.com/graphhopper/open-traffic-collection, I'm sure people would find it useful in OSM-based projects even if it's not suitable for the core OSM database. |
No not really. You can keep an eye on the OpenTraffic effort to see if it gets interesting. You could also do something like produce a csv giving some sort of derived traffic information about each OSM way you have data for. Then people could merge that info with OSM and take it into account for routing or whatever. I suggest doing a dump like that instead of trying to add the data to OSM directly because the information is relatively subjective and there is no widely used scheme for it in OSM yet. There is an import process, but subjective information using novel tags isn't a great candidate for it. |
IMHO the help site is really the wrong place for this kind of question, as it involves policy, software development, potentially confidential business plans and so on. Depending on the country in question I would suggest either contacting the local OSMF chapter or the OSMF itself (board@osmfoundation.org). |
OpenSeaMap uses marine tracking as a source for AIS information (which is basically live ship tracking). Something like density heat mapping for cars would be technically possible, but that would've had to be on a voluntary subscription basis. Opt-in rather opt out, except if things like google would offer that kind of data to other people.