when i try and download a pdf i get an error message 'invalid token' what does this mean?
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when i try and download a pdf i get an error message 'invalid token' what does this mean?
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question asked: 01 Nov '17, 11:26
question was seen: 1,372 times
last updated: 01 Nov '17, 15:30
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Can you add a bit more detail? Which PDF are you trying to download, where from, and with what browser?
geo:51.6468,-0.4335?z=16 this is the pdf and it is from Open Street Map and I am using chrome
Where are you downloading it from? Which website? EDIT: Presumably it's "share as" from osm.org?
I've just tried "share as" at http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/51.6468/-0.4335 and got a "map.pdf" that looked OK.
The resulting PDF is 771648 bytes and the md5sum is 429c1f83e33a36db98d423527afaf9ab .
Perhaps there's a problem with the PDF viewer you are trying to open it in?
I have tried your link and i am not able to get the pdf. in this instance would you be able to email me the pdf or a link to it. it would really help me out as i am up against it on this one email. chris@simpsonscreative.co.uk
thanks in advance
Still no joy and getting the same error message, we are not actual able to share as, a pdf is not being created? any chance you could email the pdf you have??
I've put it at https://map.atownsend.org.uk/tmp/map.pdf for a few minutes
Thank you so much, perfect, really frustrating why my computer will not download.
Could you try another browser? To isolate whether it's a browser-specific issue or not.
I have tried safari and chrome on mac and a pc using chrome