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Hello Everybody,

I would like to use openstreetmaps to create some statistics about playgrounds. Specifically I would like to know how many playgrounds there are in Germany and in Berlin.

But I would also love to understand how to generally count specific tags in a specific area.

Thanks a lot and excuse me, if there is an easy anser - I haven't done much with Openstreetmaps yet.

asked 29 Oct '17, 19:23

JannesPeters's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Oct '17, 06:25

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

One could use Overpass. This query counts the number of playgrounds in Berlin. You could replace Berlin with Germany. Please note that because we export the count, the playgrounds are not displayed on the map. You have to look at the "data" tab after executing the query.

The Overpass documentation has an example to count the number of Pharmacies per county.

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answered 29 Oct '17, 19:40

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

just a quick question. Here is the result for germany. What is the difference between "@count" and "@count:nodes"?

@count: 84743 @count:nodes: 28559 55812 @count:ways: 372 @count:relations

(29 Oct '17, 19:54) JannesPeters

Playgrounds can be represented as a point or area, "count" returns all the representations, "count:nodes" returns just the point features. More at

(29 Oct '17, 20:43) maxerickson

Naturally there could be some double counting (playgrounds mapped as an area and as a node), but I suspect (from spot checking the data) that this is likely to be minimal.

(29 Oct '17, 22:16) SimonPoole ♦

The other thing to note, is that "kindergarten" is a fairly fuzzy concept (in general not just OSM). For example the Austrian variant would clearly include non-educational childcare on the other hand in Germany and Switzerland it would be more of a pre-school facility.

(29 Oct '17, 22:19) SimonPoole ♦

Go to start the wizard and enter "leisure=playground in Germany" (without the quotes), build the query and set the timeout to 240 up from the standard 25 (that allows the query to run for a maximum of 240 seconds).

Note the query is fairly slow and returns a lot of data, probably best to start with Berlin (leisure=playground in Berlin").

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answered 29 Oct '17, 19:40

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 29 Oct '17, 19:48

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question asked: 29 Oct '17, 19:23

question was seen: 2,677 times

last updated: 31 Oct '17, 06:25

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum