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I am working on mapping RV parks that I visit that are otherwise simply tagged. The previous submitter added a border and tagged it tourism: camp_site, caravans: yes.

While I am adding the buildings to the site, I was considering tagging the place of business as tourism: camp_site, caravans: yes, including name, operator, and many other appropriate tags for an RV park. The service road will lead to the entrance of the actual business building to help with navigation. It seems the property border that is currently on the map and the overall RV parking, buildings, playgrounds, should all be included in a relation.

Any advice, links, or other thoughts on handling RV parks? Thanks much.

asked 29 Oct '17, 18:14

wilsoncd35's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If the site is primarily for caravans/RVs you can use the tag tourism=caravan_site

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answered 29 Oct '17, 19:45

lakedistrict's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%


+1 "If the site is primarily for caravans/RVs you can use the tag tourism=caravan_site"

In your post you said the tagging was tourism=camp_site with additional tags indicating that RVs were okay too. I would do it the other way around using





In addition to the link provided by lakedistrict, take a look at this page:

(29 Oct '17, 23:22) AlaskaDave

There should only be one object with tourism=camp_site on it. The parking and buildings and playgrounds can be associated with the boundary with a simple test to see if they are geometrically inside of it.

How to hint to routers where to give priority inside of a boundary is an unsolved problem (also for schools and parks and other features). It would be reasonable to have an additional tag on the office, I'm not sure what it should be though.

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answered 29 Oct '17, 19:06

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 29 Oct '17, 18:14

question was seen: 2,330 times

last updated: 29 Oct '17, 23:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum