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I use Rails to point my local server. I can see my local map in web browser when i type localhost:3000.But When I try to sign up, The error occours: Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"+DRjYos1zxLzd5iDC9AZyUX5UqN3lhiUUcLmHmU5FAy2r6TRQoarVoC2ci/Fe4w9p/u9JA4x05BwRlhAJCPatA==", "user"=>{"email"=>"", "email_confirmation"=>"", "display_name"=>"yeager", "auth_provider"=>"", "pass_crypt"=>"[FILTERED]", "pass_crypt_confirmation"=>"[FILTERED]"}, "commit"=>"Sign Up"} Can't verify CSRF token authenticity. How can I sovle this,Hope I can get help .Thanks!

asked 28 Oct '17, 14:11

gleide's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%


Please be a bit clearer. Are you running your own instance of the rails port? If yes has configuration information.

(29 Oct '17, 19:52) SimonPoole ♦

In addition, would it be possible to take a step back and explain what problem you are trying to solve - what is your goal?

(29 Oct '17, 20:05) SomeoneElse ♦

I did run my own instance of the rails port. I first build a local tile server following the guide: I want to edit my local title server without changing openstreetmap server's data.So I used Rails port to point my local server.I want to use JOSM to edit my data and upload to my http//localhost:3000/api.Then I need to Authentication.So I want to sign up my local server.But I failed.I am sorry my English is poor.Thanks for your help!

(30 Oct '17, 15:55) gleide

After I run rails server.In web browser,I type http://localhost:3000,I saw my local map.The page are very similar to's.The only differences is is showed my own tile.So I click Signup,But cannot success.It shows the error above.

Sincerely hope to get your help.Thanks!!!

(30 Oct '17, 16:09) gleide

For info for anyone looking to answer there's a bit more info on a related question from the same person that adds a bit of context here.

(24 Nov '17, 11:21) SomeoneElse ♦

Finally I solved this problem by creating a blank file at tmp/cache-dev.txt. This will turn on a local in-memory cache store, which will be used to store your user session data. Hope this can help those who met the same problem.

permanent link

answered 24 Nov '17, 14:11

gleide's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

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question asked: 28 Oct '17, 14:11

question was seen: 2,389 times

last updated: 24 Nov '17, 14:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum