I'm interested of getting user contribution statistics for a particular region. For example, like it is done on http://osm.svimik.com/. I looked through related questions, but all seems to be about contributions for particular user. It looks like that using
But how to tell the API to look for changes only for particular country? It is connected with
It's only a list of nodes (and tags sometimes) and it's not clear if those nodes (tags, etc.) were just created, or edited, or moved. On the whole, does anybody have a good example for something similar or a good explanation of how to use such queries. Also these queries are performance-consuming for the server, so probably I need to manage to run them locally somehow. |
An example of how to search in a given country: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/sBo To discover what was changed, you'll probably want to use Achavi or similar on individual changesets (for geometries at least). Thanks! Seems to be a good direction to start.
(26 Oct '17, 16:41)
Sergey Karavay