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I discovered four isolated nodes attributed to civil parish administrative boundaries in South Oxfordshire when I ran a query in Overpass Turbo. I am presented with @id=node/337678896, for example, in uMap where I have imported the parish boundary data, but no reference to a place. The nodes are in precisely the same locations as places, however, as follows:

Node 337678896 at Aston Tirrold

Node 337679350 at Aston Upthorpe

Node 29839035 at Goring-on-Thames

Node 2264675100 at Harpsden

I thought I might find duplicated nodes, initially, but cannot determine that is the case. There are no admin_level=10 tags attributed to the places, either.

I am at a loss to know what to do to resolve the situation.

asked 24 Oct '17, 14:08

silver%20mapper's gravatar image

silver mapper
accept rate: 0%

You are right that the data is probably/possibly incomplete if there are missing admin_centres, although there are cases when no admin centre can be assigned. Some parishes have so few electors that they don't have a council (just a so-called Parish Meeting). In that case there cannot be a "council office" so there also cannot be an admin centre. In other cases (such as Aston Tirrold/Upthorpe) a single council covers multiple parishes (which still exist individually in law) so there is only one admin_centre for the whole group of parishes.

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answered 24 Oct '17, 20:03

csmale's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

I have just checked the others, and they are all admin_centres of parishes, except for one which is merely a "label." That parish is governed by a joint parish council, with an admin centre that is actually in another parish. A "label" node is used as a hint in case anyone wants to display a name of the individual parish, but it is probably rarely used.

The nodes you have found are not duplicates, but represent a place, i.e. a named settlement, which has a role in respect of the civil parish.

Does this provide sufficient explanation?

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answered 24 Oct '17, 19:34

csmale's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%


I thank you for your prompt and informative reply. My first concern was about possible errors in OSM that needed to be fixed. I believe there remains a question of completeness/consistency because these four admin_centres are all that exist throughout South Oxfordshire parishes, according to the Overpass Turbo result.

I have been able to delete the four symbols in uMap, successfully. So, for me, all is OK.

(24 Oct '17, 19:50) silver mapper

Hi, I just looked at the first node you mentioned (Aston Tirrold) and it is a "place" node for that village which is a member of the boundary relation with the role "admin_centre". This is normal practise for a council area.

When I get home I will check out the others.

You can see the whole relation for Aston Tirrold civil parish here:

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answered 24 Oct '17, 17:27

csmale's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 24 Oct '17, 14:08

question was seen: 2,832 times

last updated: 24 Oct '17, 20:03

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