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I used to install OSM maps into Base Camp on my iMac. Now Itried in vain to install the map of Sweden. I download the rtbl OSM map version -once downloaded I change the extension gmap into gmapi which allowed me to open it with garmin map manager for accordingly renaming it via JaVaWa thus enabling this way to have each of the various country maps available in Base Camp/on my Etrex Vista HcX. Last week I still installed the map of Danmark this way without any problem but now I'am struggling already several days to do the same with the map of Sweden but it simply does not work. I can open the map with garmin map manager - the system aks "install maps " when clicking the system gives "maps installed" but I cannot retrieve same in map manager nor can I find the map in JaVaWa which every time states "no (valid) map present. (this seems logic as map cannot be found in map manager). Can anyone plse help me out as I have abt 25 complete or sometimes part maps installed, Danmark map as the last one, and for the Sweden map it simply doesn't work anymore

asked 23 Oct '17, 14:27

patjeuitb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Oct '17, 14:48

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


Reformatting (paragraphs) your question to make it more legible will probably get you an answer faster.

(23 Oct '17, 19:56) SimonPoole ♦

I have the same problem and I never had it before; years of downloading the OSM for Mac. Click ion the zip or gmap file and installed straight away.

I believe that they are sending the Microsoft versions in the OSX bundles and will not admit it.

(09 Jul '19, 05:10) Mike Giambra

Summarizing my above question results into 3 items, i.e. 1) Downloaded OSM maps with extension gmap changed into gmapi in order to be able to open with map manager. 2) Contrary to before and after clicking "install maps" and "maps installed" routeble map does not appear in the map manager oversight. (All maps handled via JaVaWa enabling more maps shown in base camp/gps Etrex Vista HcX) 3) As the new routeble map is not shown in map manager, also no possibility to adapt via JaVaWa/to install in base camp. Any idea as to what causes this hick-up in order to allow me to install OSM maps again in Base Camp ?

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answered 23 Oct '17, 21:26

patjeuitb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

My problem just posted ( seems to be similar to yours. But no one answered you - were you able to find a solution? You could reply off line to , thanks and best wishes, John

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answered 11 Aug '18, 14:44

John_Rose's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 23 Oct '17, 14:27

question was seen: 3,657 times

last updated: 09 Jul '19, 13:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum