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The Italian law force every pub/restaurant/bar owner to sell breathalyzers to his customers, sometimes the owner sells disposable breathalyzers, some other times he owns a small machine which can provide multiple test before having to be calibrated again. Those things are obviously used to estimate the customers blood alcohol content and most of the times the pub/rest. owner requires a fee for the test. I've been searching on the wiki but I didn't find a proper tag. I don't really have a clue how to tag the disposable one but given that every pub/restaurant/bar has to have one I'm not even sure it would be useful to map it. The second type (the machine) might be tagged as vending machine with something like vending=breathalyzer ? usually you put few coins into the machine and it provide you a straw to use for the test. I'm not really sold on the vending=breathalyzer because it just sells you the straw to blow into the machine, it doesn't sell you a disposable kit. Any tip would be appreciated, thanks

asked 20 Oct '17, 12:03

Constable's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%

edited 20 Oct '17, 12:07

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question asked: 20 Oct '17, 12:03

question was seen: 1,423 times

last updated: 20 Oct '17, 12:07

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