Does anyone have access to data on Puerto Rico Housing Stock characteristics? I seek percentages of Family Houses (not businesses, etc) built principally of concrete vs wood. If I can get this by municipio, that would be very useful. This is to help direct a humanitarian construction project. Thanks! |
There might be some data in OSM, you'd have to check. As for data outside OSM, this isn't really the place to ask for that. Perhaps the US community might know more about open data that could help you? 1
If such data is in OSM it would be a very small amount, the majority of the buildings in Puerto Rico are either from imports that did not include such information or from HOT activity related to Hurricane Maria. There is a data portal: And cadastral data with building footprints: (turn on the "Estructuras" layer), but the metadata shown is limited to the building height.
(17 Oct '17, 12:52)