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I have been mapping an old town with narrow pedestrian streets, which I've marked as highway=pedestrian. Now I have concluded that highway=footway would be better (except for the two or three larger, commercial streets). Do I need to select them one by one and change them one by one? I tried to select many at the same time on iD using Shift+Click, and it does select them, but I didn't find a way to tell it "change highway to footway for all selected elements".

asked 15 Oct '17, 11:56

aptiko's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Use Josm for such tasks and then return to your preferred editor when done.

(15 Oct '17, 13:00) nevw
(15 Oct '17, 17:03) bhousel

Thanks. I did it with Josm.

(15 Oct '17, 17:06) aptiko

Yes, agree with what @nevw said - we don't have a way in iD to apply the same tags to multiple things. I'd recommend you use JOSM or level0/overpass for something like this.

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answered 15 Oct '17, 17:01

bhousel's gravatar image

accept rate: 38%

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question asked: 15 Oct '17, 11:56

question was seen: 1,596 times

last updated: 15 Oct '17, 21:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum