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I worked with MapInfo Professional and was used to operators such as Contains, Intersects, Not and Within in its SQL. Can these be used in Overpass Turbo Wizard? I do not have the knowledge to construct a query in its own language.

asked 13 Oct '17, 22:22

silver%20mapper's gravatar image

silver mapper
accept rate: 0%

Overpass API itself is mostly focused on tags. is_in, around and area filters can be used to do some geometric operations. Around can be used to find intersections, by using a distance of 0.

For the Wizard, the primary operation that is available is something like in Wisconsin, which can be used to restrict the query to within some special areas that Overpass API generates (mostly geographic boundaries, but also some named area features). Use quotes if the name has spaces, like in "Green Bay, Wisconsin".

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answered 14 Oct '17, 00:09

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 13 Oct '17, 22:22

question was seen: 1,993 times

last updated: 14 Oct '17, 00:09

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