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How do I split this area into two? It is two different names on them.

I need to draw a line between the two white spots and make the black line. I hope you understand what I want to do

asked 13 Oct '17, 09:42

Ironwalkers's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Your question lacks some information to be answered properly:

  • Did you want to link to an image? The link is missing.
  • Could you please add the ID of the OSM object? Use the "view on" link in the lower left corner if you use the iD online editor, use "View" → "History (web)" if you use JOSM.
(13 Oct '17, 10:41) Nakaner

Here is a link to the picture

(13 Oct '17, 10:47) Ironwalkers

Really thanks for answer but I think I am too much a beginner to understan it

I can do no2 but I am lost how to do number 3

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answered 15 Oct '17, 21:21

Ironwalkers's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This is made more complicated by the leisure=common way sharing nodes with the landuse=residential way. I tried doing it in iD and it's a pain because you have to keep disconnecting nodes (unless someone else knows some shortcuts). Below is the process in Potlatch. It would be the same idea in iD, just more steps:

  1. select way 239301324
  2. select each node you want to split at, and click X to cut there
  3. select one of the split ways, click on one end node, draw a line from it to the other end node
  4. do the same with the other split way (you should be drawing it over the same gap)
  5. once a way is closed it should become green again. if it doesn't, it's probably split into multiple pieces. if this happens, ctrl-select to select them all, then merge (J)
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answered 13 Oct '17, 15:40

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 13 Oct '17, 09:42

question was seen: 4,915 times

last updated: 15 Oct '17, 21:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum