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When I type "stairs" in Vespucci nothing appear. What tag should I use?

alt text

asked 12 Oct '17, 09:34

Nicolas%20Raoul's gravatar image

Nicolas Raoul
accept rate: 20%

edited 12 Oct '17, 10:05

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

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answered 12 Oct '17, 09:35

Nicolas%20Raoul's gravatar image

Nicolas Raoul
accept rate: 20%

In Vespucci you have to search for "steps" to find the corresponding preset, not "stairs". Alternatively just add the tag directly, as suggested by yourself.

permanent link

answered 12 Oct '17, 10:05

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 12 Oct '17, 13:26

Outdoors they are steps, stairs are inside a building.

(14 Oct '17, 10:59) trigpoint

I'm not a native speaker and I'm not responsible for this preset or Vespucci. You can report it at if you like.

(14 Oct '17, 11:26) scai ♦

@nicolas-raoul wikipedia says lots of things; it doesn't make it correct! In English English usage, "stairs" are generally indoor and the larger outdoor versions tend to be referred to as a "flight of steps" or just "steps". "highway=steps" is the tag that got used in OSM from the start (based on English usage). It would make sense for editors to know that things that people might call "stairs" are mapped as "highway=steps", so as scai suggests, I'd mention that fact in Vespucci's issues list.

(14 Oct '17, 12:28) SomeoneElse ♦

@trig222: Wikipedia says "A stairway, staircase, stairwell, flight of stairs, or simply stairs is a construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into smaller vertical distances, called steps."

Sorry, didn't realise that little icon deleted the comments

(14 Oct '17, 19:02) trigpoint

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question asked: 12 Oct '17, 09:34

question was seen: 2,815 times

last updated: 14 Oct '17, 19:02

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