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I try to create a route thru Matyholweni Gate "" with ",25.612864,-33.68047,25.798967&b=0&c=0&k1=en-US&k2=km" but the route does not go thru the gate. If I look at the gate object it is of type barrier:gate with access:yes What prevents me from routing thru the gate? Thanks, Thomas

asked 10 Oct '17, 21:11

thgx's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

As an aside to this particular question - it's not a good idea to "tag for the router". It might be perfectly valid for a router not to route past a particular sort of barrier - or a conscious decision by whoever designed the router.

This doesn't sound like the problem here of course - from what you're saying the gate will always be raised to let cars through but lowered to stop elephants.

(11 Oct '17, 16:41) SomeoneElse ♦

If I look at (the gate where routing stops) it doesn't have any access tags so I'm not sure why you believe it is tagged "access=yes" I would suspect that routing will work once correct access tags are applied.

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answered 10 Oct '17, 22:11

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Hi all, Thanks for your help. SimonPoole is right, there was no Access tag, my fault. I set the connection as adviced by zorglubu.

I took this working gate as an example

I added Access:private and motorcar:yes to the gate:

I added access:yes to the tertiary Highway:

Still no success with GraphHopper car routing:

Any more ideas?

Thanks, Thomas

(11 Oct '17, 09:05) thgx

It might take some time (days or weeks) for a router to start using your changes to OSM - you'll need to be patient.

(11 Oct '17, 09:19) SomeoneElse ♦

The access=yes on the tertiary road is unnecessary. You should add access=yes to both barriers ( and

(11 Oct '17, 10:05) scai ♦

Have a look at the barrier=gate to the East of your lift_gate. It clearly says access=private. Your software obviously will not route through there, eventhough it has the motorcar=yes tag which does not make sense. OSM wiki defines access=private as "Only with permission of the owner on an individual basis". ownership should be permissive for private toll roads.

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answered 11 Oct '17, 08:49

wilda69's gravatar image

accept rate: 7%

I added acces=private (see my "answer" below). Now I changed it to access=yes, still no success

(11 Oct '17, 09:15) thgx

Routing engines take a while to update (usually between a day and a month), so don't expect the change to take effect immediately.

(11 Oct '17, 09:58) Richard ♦

Looking at the routing engines on, most seem just fine with that gate. Only graphhopper's car routing struggles. Whether routing should stop at a gate on a tertiary road with no explicit access tags is a moot point - I'd suggest that it shouldn't, though whoever implements a router can do so if they wish.

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answered 10 Oct '17, 23:24

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


Hello Thomas,

Zoom-in quite a lot, and move your gate exactly on the boundary. The colour of this boundary will change, indicating that it's sticking. Release the mouse bouton. Check by moving again the gate and CTRL-Z.

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answered 10 Oct '17, 22:02

zorglubu's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 10 Oct '17, 21:11

question was seen: 2,717 times

last updated: 11 Oct '17, 16:41

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