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I used JOSM 12712 for some edits and then I tried to save them. JOSM didn't complain, but it was stuck in an infinite loop of "I'm currently uploading the changes". Since it wasn't completed after like 5 minutes and it was late I decided to let the computer run and close JOSM the next morning.

However, the upload was still running the next morning. When I looked into my changeset list, I noticed that JOSM created the changeset ( but there were no changes in them. I abborted the upload (it was like 8+ hours since I started the upload). I tried to play around with the settings, reload the map data and tried to push it to the same changeset. It didn't work again. Since I tried to push it to the same changeset all the time (which was maybe closed by the server in the mean time?) I tried to upload the changes to a new changeset ( I had the same problem again. The changeset was created, but there were no changes in them.

The solution to this was to save the changes and restart JOSM. I imported the changeset data and pushed it to the server. This time it worked.

The question: Now there are two empty changesets which aren't even visible from the profile page which don't serve any purpose. Is it possible to delete them?

asked 10 Oct '17, 08:32

TBKMrt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

No, it isn't possible to delete those two empty changesets. Just don't worry about them.

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answered 10 Oct '17, 08:44

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 10 Oct '17, 08:32

question was seen: 4,241 times

last updated: 10 Oct '17, 08:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum