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Hi all,

Can I just download the "place=*" layer to the JOSM and edit it? Is it possibale or not?


asked 08 Oct '17, 09:37

SL_Mapper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks for the help. Really I want edit the place names. I know I can use the filter. But it's not easy when updating around the country or a region. I want to know, Is there any plugin or option for download the objects with "place" key?

(09 Oct '17, 09:11) SL_Mapper

No. In JOSM you can only download one bounding box ("rectangle") at a time.

As @SimonPoole said, after downloading into JOSM, you can use its search/filter functionality to show only objects that have a "place" tag. (Search for place=* and then tick the "I" and "H" checkboxes to hide non-matching objects.)

Alternatively, you might find it useful to use a web-based editor such as iD, to edit tags directly in the browser.

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answered 09 Oct '17, 00:11

dsh4's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

There is no "place" layer (with and without "=") in OSM, or matter of fact any conventional GIS concept of layers to start with.

You can, in principle, download all objects with a "place" tag, which will include nodes, ways and relations (with other word all kind of OSM objects). However you could just as well simply edit objects as you normally would and either use the search or filter functionality in JOSM to locate the objects you want to change.

You should perhaps clarify what you are trying to achieve as editing place names tends not to be a task suitable for neophytes.

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answered 08 Oct '17, 09:48

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 09 Oct '17, 09:46

Minor clarification: in OSM, the place=* tag is not about place names; see .

(09 Oct '17, 00:13) dsh4

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question asked: 08 Oct '17, 09:37

question was seen: 2,771 times

last updated: 09 Oct '17, 09:46

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